©081-TP2A-04_06_2022|OT Monts du Genevois
Gilles BufflierTAC Mobilités

Gilles Bufflier

Bicycle technician

Let’s take a look into Gilles’ world, a sportsman who is crazy about cycling. He loves this region and cycles around the area whenever he can. His expert eye is put to good use in his profession as a bicycle technician at the Maison de la Mobilité et du Tourisme.


“Ride on!”

Gilles Bufflier, TAC Mobilités
Gilles Bufflier


Gilles is a native of Haute-Savoie, he loves the mountains and has cycled up many a peak. He is a qualified ski patroller and mountain guide and so explored the Pyrenees while he occupied these roles with passion in a holiday centre for 10 years. Then Gilles came back to his homeland and was a ski patroller here for several seasons before deciding to change paths and embark upon training to become a bicycle technician. This choice seemed an obvious one for this passionate sportsman who already had some experience in bicycle hire under his belt.
For several years now, Gilles has been working as a part time bicycle technician for TAC Mobilités. He manages the whole bicycle fleet for Annemasse Agglo, with more than 120 to maintain every day. Standard and electric bikes and electric scooters are available to hire for 1 to 3 months and all the essential safety equipment is provided.

Gilles Bufflier


Gilles is all about getting around in an active way and he cycles to work almost every day along the cycle path from Saint-Cergues where he lives. He shares this value with TAC Mobilités and they organise free bicycle workshops the first Wednesday of every month in front of the train station in Annemasse. Gilles is a specialist in his field and during these workshops he checks bikes are in correct working order, checks all the technical aspects and carries out minor repairs. These workshops are really useful for this mode of transport that may appear simple at first glance but is actually quite technical. From spring onwards, these workshops attract more and more people looking to get back on their bikes, and his schedule becomes busier as people make appointments to have their bikes checked over. Gilles recommends getting your bike checked over at least once a year to make sure you are riding in complete safety! The second half of the week, Gilles devotes his time to his bicycle repair company. He travels around in his van and organises events based on bicycle repair and offers bicycle repair solutions at home across Haute-Savoie.

When he was younger, he enjoyed MTB, but nowadays he only does road cycling. This discipline requires a certain level of physical exertion and each outing is very different. It is a great way to clear the mind and it encourages him to push his limits as he pedals up the nearby mountain passes. In 2023, Gilles took part in the stage of the Tour Annemasse – Morzine open to amateurs! This was an opportunity for him to practice on the different bicycle race routes in the region and he takes on the region’s iconic peaks in his free time. Gilles is a sports fanatic and he also enjoys being so close to Lake Geneva and being able to get to the mountains easily all year round for skating, ski touring and snowshoeing.
The diverse landscapes in this region allow him to explore new, authentic places, always accompanied by his bike.

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Stretching, swimming, a bike ride, canoeing on the lake, a walk and then a barbecue.




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