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in Monts du Genevois

Now that you have arrived in Monts du Genevois, your holiday can begin!
Would you prefer to leave your vehicle in the car park? No problem! Park your car and choose your destination.
As for the means of transport, we can assist you. Let’s go!
The Monts du Genevois territory is the ideal base camp for exploring Haute-Savoie and Switzerland.

By car

If you are in the Monts du Genevois and you need to travel by road, here is some advice!



In town

Traffic is dense near Geneva so we recommend public transport wherever possible, but if you don’t have the choice:

  • Avoid rush hour: from 6:30am to 9am and 4pm to 7pm.
  • Leave early to make sure you arrive on time.

In the mountains

In winter, even if the road is clear, make sure you drive carefully and stay alert.

New regulations: from 1 November 2021, any vehicle using the mountain roads in 48 departments of France must be equipped with either snow tyres, winter tyres or snow chains, throughout the winter season.

  • Check the weather forecast, stay informed of the traffic conditions on the road, leave early if conditions are not optimal and postpone your trip if the conditions of the road are difficult.
  • Equip your vehicle with adapted tyres. Check the level of antifreeze in your windscreen washer fluid, make sure you’ve got a full tank of petrol.
  • Remove the snow from the roof and de-ice all the windows of your vehicle.
  • Make sure you’ve got the right snow chains for your vehicle and that you know how to fit them to the drive wheels.
  • Make sure you have warm and comfortable clothing, gloves, and suitable footwear.
  • Reduce your speed, increase the safety distances and turn on your headlights.
  • Let snow-clearing vehicles pass and do not overtake snowploughs.
  • Do not brake suddenly, use your engine brake.
  • In the event of ice or heavy snowfall, drive slowly, smoothly and make sure you leave a good distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.
Getting around the Salève


From January 15 to March 15, 2024
The RD 45 between La Croisette and Collonges-sous-Salève will be one-way downhill on Saturdays and Sundays from 2.30pm to 6.30pm.

Parking will be prohibited in certain zones at the summit of the Salève, to improve traffic flow.

If weather conditions make it necessary, the RD 45 may be closed in both directions from time to time, to enable the snow removal machine to make a round trip.

Who will be affected?
This downhill one-way system will apply to all vehicles, including emergency and snow-clearing vehicles.
People wishing to go to La Croisette should plan their route in advance.
It will still be possible to drive up from La Muraz all day on weekends via the RD 15 and RD 48.

Reminder :

winter road closures

  • The RD 41A between La Croisette and Monnetier-Mornex (route de l’Observatoire) is sometimes closed due to snowdrifts, until the snow has been cleared.
  • The RD 41A from La Croisette towards Cruseilles is closed every year, as soon as snow conditions allow, for winter sports.
  • Depending on the weather, certain roads may be closed due to flooding or landslides. Before taking to the road, consult


Since 1 January 2014, it is compulsory when driving in Switzerland to have your headlights switched on during the day.


  • Main customs offices: Perly, Bardonnex, Vallard and Moëllesulaz.
  • They are open 24 hours a day.
  • Bureau de change can be found near the border.
  • You might not be asked to stop at the border for any border controls, but make sure you travel with valid proof of identity just in case.


  • Motorway signs are green in Switzerland, and other road signs are blue.
  • If you use the motorway, you should know that in Switzerland there are no motorway tolls, like there are in France. To drive on the motorway, you will however need a special motorway tax disc that is valid for all Swiss motorways for one year (1 month before and 1 month after the indicated year).
  • Where can I get my tax disc? Road tax discs are available to purchase from the customs offices and the two Tourist Information branches of the Monts du Genevois Tourist Office for €42.

Driving in Geneva

Traffic is very dense in Geneva, so we recommend public transport wherever possible, but if you don’t have the choice: make sure you leave enough time so you are not in a rush.

From 15 January 2020, when pollution levels are high, traffic in Geneva is temporarily forbidden for the most polluting vehicles. Only vehicles bearing the Stick’AIR/Crit’air sticker can drive on the roads between 6am and 10pm.

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