See photos (42)

Boucle pédestre : une boucle à saute frontière: Malagny - Sezegnin - Avusy

Walking/pedestrian in Viry
8.1 km
2h 40min
  • A footpath that straddles the Franco-Swiss border reveals the many hidden or forgotten faces of the architectural, historic, rural and natural heritage of the Geneva Basin.

    This cross-border loop between France and Switzerland is full of surprises. Crossing twice, many discoveries await you.

    Departing from the hamlet of Malagny, you will initially leave in the direction of the Swiss village of Sézegnin crossing the border for the first time. You will walk in the village for a while...
    A footpath that straddles the Franco-Swiss border reveals the many hidden or forgotten faces of the architectural, historic, rural and natural heritage of the Geneva Basin.

    This cross-border loop between France and Switzerland is full of surprises. Crossing twice, many discoveries await you.

    Departing from the hamlet of Malagny, you will initially leave in the direction of the Swiss village of Sézegnin crossing the border for the first time. You will walk in the village for a while before walking along the vineyards until reaching Avusy and Champlong.

    After crossing the border and the river of the Laire you will reach the Teppes de la Repentance and its pine forest with Mediterranean ambiances, change of atmosphere guaranteed! Natural area protected by prefectural decree, stay well on the way to respect the fauna and flora.

    Before reaching Malagny and your starting point you cross the Domaine de la Tuilière, a site dedicated to high-level horseback riding.
  • Departure
  • Difference in height
    165.333 m
  • Plain text period
    All year round.
    Not recommended in bad weather.

    Subject to favorable weather.
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
  • Accepted customers
    • Individuals
165 meters of difference in height
  • Maximum altitude : 437 m
  • Minimum altitude : 360 m
  • Total positive elevation : 165 m
  • Total negative elevation : -165 m
  • Max positive elevation : 36 m
  • Min positive elevation : -55 m